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greet people at the church door as they arrive, distribute bulletins, assist people to the pews as necessary, count the number of worshippers, collect and present the offering and bring the wine and bread to the altar.

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serve as lay readers of the Old Testament scripture during our Sunday morning worship. Anyone is welcome to serve as a lector. There is no license required for this ministry.

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Lay Eucharistic Ministers

serve as lay readers of the Epistle and the Prayers of the People during our Sunday morning worship, light the candles before worship, carry the cross
into worship and distribute wine during the Eucharistic piece of our worship liturgy. Lay Eucharistic Ministers must be licensed by our Diocese to serve. Anyone is welcome to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister.

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Lay Eucharistic Visitors

are lay people who have been trained to give the Holy Eucharist to those who are homebound or in a nursing home, rehabilitation center or hospital. Eucharistic visitors must be licensed to serve by our Diocese. Anyone is welcome to become a
Lay Eucharistic Visitor.

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Vestry Members

are the lay leadership of Good Shepherd who support the Priest-in-Charge by protecting the vision and the financial integrity of Good Shepherd and ensuring that the values of Good Shepherd are upheld. The vestry is the legal representative of Good Shepherd. Members are chosen by election at the annual meeting and serve a three year term.

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