Rejoicing in God's love for his whole creation.

Olde Home Days
This family-oriented street fair takes place on the first Saturday after Labor Day, with kickoff activities the night before. Good Shepherd’s food booth offers “Phil’s Phamous Seafood Chowder” (a crowd favorite) as well as marinated chicken on skewers, meatballs in marinara sauce, and corn on the cob. The church’s hot food booth was such a success in its initial years that a Country Store table was added, to feature the talents of the church’s accomplished bakers and home canners. Both booths have enthusiastic followers, who come year after year for our chowder and our pies! The event is a wonderful fundraiser for the church, but it’s also a great way to step outside our walls and meet our neighbors in this community.

Blessing of the Animals
The Feast of St. Francis gives all our pet loving families an opportunity to bring their beloved animals to church. After the service each pet is blessed by the priest in a special service in the park across the street from Good Shepherd.

A Service of Rest and Reflection
Near the time of the Winter Solstice Good Shepherd introduced this special evening service of prayer and reflection which acknowledges the mental and spiritual longing for peace and the assurance of God's love.
Rummage Sales
The sale is customarily held in March, when the weather is iffy and when those who love to prowl for bargains are feeling
pent-up. We take donations of a wide variety of items not only from our own parishioners and their friends and families, but we are also fortunate to receive estate items. The sale has grown in scope and size over the years, and it also has its devoted followers. It is a mission as well as a fundraiser. We show our care for God’s creation by seeing that worthwile possessions continue their useful life, and we care for those around us by providing an opportunity to satisfy their needs—whether that is much needed clothing and housewares, or a pleasant morning with friends hunting for treasures.

2nd Sunday Breakfast
Our second Sunday breakfasts started about 30 years ago to bring our 8 and 10 o’clock parishioners together. An array of breakfast items or keeping it simple are prepared by different groups. We are always happy to get new people involved and show them the ropes. We have a list of items that we use on a monthly basis and amounts needed to serve. If anyone would like to get involved but are apprehensive about taking on this task for a larger group, any of us are more than happy to have you work with us.